SPELLING BEE! – OCTOBER 20, 2018 at LightWeavers

Hello Everyone! Katrina here on behalf of Gail Dettmar and the Original Black Hat Society of Northern California. (Please note that there is a Northern California Black Hat Society created several years after we were formed and we are not affiliated with them). I am here to remind you of our October 20th Spelling Bee, happening 3-6pm at LightWeavers Academy in Citrus Heights, California.

This is a social event to visit, enjoy light refreshments, hear presentations from Pacific Coast Spirit Watch, wear our Witchy finery, and share fun and magical time together. Why is it a “Spelling Bee?” Because some of the community’s favorite Witches are putting together spells for you to select as the Goddess and Providence guide you to do so. There is NO charge for this wonderful event, but if some of you enthusiastic bakers and cooks want to contribute to the refreshment table, trust me, we won’t stop you. All donations are graciously and gratefully received.

If we stomp our pointy-toed shoes and wave our feisty black hats high enough, we might even be able to get a speech from the woman who started all this back in 2010 (and informally in 2008), Gail Dettmar. After the Spelling Bee at 7pm, LightWeavers is hosting a séance, so be sure to check that out as well. There is a nominal charge for the séance, but not for the Spelling Bee. We hope to see you there!

To see the event page, go here: https://www.facebook.com/events/538040389951528/