Passing the Hat

At the Samhain 2019 BHS party, founder Gail Dettmar officially passed the black hat to Katrina Rasbold as the group’s new organizer. Katrina will plan and host the Black Hat Society of Northern California’s events moving forward.

Gail and Katrina have known each other for 20+ years and Katrina is honored to take Gail’s BHS group forward. Her intention is to continue to honor the principles and framework Gail put into place when she founded the group 10 years ago.

Black Hat Society of Northern California does not charge a membership fee. We accept donations from members to fund our parties, which occur the week before each sabbat. This is a social organization dedicated to providing its members and other interested parties with, well, parties! Our entire purpose is to network and socialize together as a strong support system representing the vibrant and healthy Northern California Witchy community.

We do not have a governing body, inner circle, or commercial interest. Our purpose is purely to come together in loving, fun support of one another to celebrate the holiday energies eight times a year.

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